Thriving in a Multi-Generational Workforce

The modern workforce is more diverse than ever in terms of gender, race, national origin, ability and age. We are working in a time when members of 5 distinct generations from the Silent Generation to Generation Z are actively participating in the workforce bringing with them a rich diversity of experiences, skills and perspectives. This […]

Building Cultural Competency in the Workplace

Today, more than ever before, we are working and interacting with people from all parts of the world with many different cultural backgrounds. One’s culture not only shows up in their language, religion and dress. It can also influence how a person thinks, communicates and views roles, relationships and concepts like time. This course will […]

Disability Etiquette & Beyond

As companies continue to enhance their efforts towards creating a more diversified and inclusive workplace, they must address the needs of employees of all abilities. SHIFT’s online training course was built with the goal in mind of building inclusive work environments where employees of all abilities are made to feel included, supported, and comfortable to […]

How to be an Upstander in the Face of Racism

Creating an anti-racist environment is vital in order for organizations to succeed. SHIFT’s online training course uses current real-world scenarios that provide the learners with tools to become an ally in the face of racism. Understanding that employees come to the issue of race with different backgrounds and perspectives, learners are encouraged and provided tools […]

Unconscious Bias: SHIFTing From Awareness to Action

How do our brains process bias? How and when are we most susceptible to bias thinking? What are the impacts of bias behavior? What strategies can we implement to lessen the impact of bias in our everyday interactions? Research has shown that it is easy to spot bias in others. It’s much more difficult to […]

Unconscious Bias in the Workplace

What is Unconscious Bias? How do Stereotypes influence Bias? How do Unconscious Biases show up in the workplace? How can we interrupt Biases so they don’t impact important workplace decisions? SHIFT’s Unconscious Bias in the Workplace course helps learners discover answers to all of these questions and more. Through awareness building activities and the exploration […]

Building Employee Inclusion and Upstander Culture

Inclusion & Diversity Training As workplaces become more diverse and we regularly interact with colleagues from an increasing variety of backgrounds, it’s important to be mindful of the important role every person plays in creating an inclusive environment where all employees feel included, supported and valued. SHIFT’s online diversity training course improves the quality of […]

Fostering Trust Through Civility and Respect

Course Description: Civil, respectful workplaces foster high levels of trust and are more productive. Employees are more engaged, which leads to more effective and frequent collaboration. Employee retention is higher, because they are happier. Unfortunately, research shows 98% of workers report experiencing uncivil behavior in the workplace. This course teaches your employees how to build […]

Creating a Culture of Civility & Respect in the Workplace

Employees appreciate working in an environment that is comfortable, inclusive, and free of inappropriate conduct and disrespectful behavior. SHIFT’s online training course outlines the expectations of organizational leadership to uphold a positive and productive workplace and to remind employees to carefully consider their everyday words and actions. Real-world situations and practical examples of positive behavior […]

Unconscious Bias: The Impact of Microaggressions

What are microaggressions? How can I avoid microaggressions? What should I do if I’m responsible for a microaggression? What can I do if I witness a microaggression?   Microaggressions are seemingly small insults that communicate negative or hostile messages about someone’s characteristics like race, gender, sexual orientation, or religion. Microaggressions can be intentional but are […]


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