Preventing Workplace Harassment and Discrimination

Applicable Requirements: A positive work environment free from harassment and discrimination is required by law and necessary for the health and continued success of your business. SHIFT’s Preventing Workplace Harassment and Discrimination course engages employees and supervisors in the development and maintenance of a workplace free from harassment and discrimination. This interactive training provides learners […]

Bystander Intervention

When employees are empowered to speak up when they witness inappropriate situations, you create an environment that doesn’t tolerate harassment, discrimination, or bullying. Bystander Intervention training provides employees the knowledge, skills, and encouragement they need to sustain a healthy working environment for everyone. This course is designed to meet Chicago mandated Bystander Intervention training requirements.

Disability Etiquette & Beyond

As companies continue to enhance their efforts towards creating a more diversified and inclusive workplace, they must address the needs of employees of all abilities. SHIFT’s online training course was built with the goal in mind of building inclusive work environments where employees of all abilities are made to feel included, supported, and comfortable to […]

How to be an Upstander in the Face of Racism

Creating an anti-racist environment is vital in order for organizations to succeed. SHIFT’s online training course uses current real-world scenarios that provide the learners with tools to become an ally in the face of racism. Understanding that employees come to the issue of race with different backgrounds and perspectives, learners are encouraged and provided tools […]

Code of Conduct: Cultivating Workplace Ethics & Preventing Bribery, Fraud & Corruption

Employers who are committed to operating with the highest standards of ethics and integrity understand that they must do more than simply provide their employees with a written code of conduct. The key in creating an ethical work environment is to ensure that every employee understands what that entails. SHIFT’s online training course serves as […]

Unconscious Bias in the Workplace

What is Unconscious Bias? How do Stereotypes influence Bias? How do Unconscious Biases show up in the workplace? How can we interrupt Biases so they don’t impact important workplace decisions? SHIFT’s Unconscious Bias in the Workplace course helps learners discover answers to all of these questions and more. Through awareness building activities and the exploration […]


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