Unconscious Bias Training: The Cornerstone of DEIB Initiatives

Unconscious biases are automatic, deeply ingrained stereotypes that affect our understanding, actions, and decisions without our conscious awareness. These biases can manifest in various ways, from hiring and promotion decisions to everyday workplace interactions. Because they operate below the surface of our conscious thought, these biases can perpetuate inequality and exclusion, even in organizations with […]

DEIB as a Journey, Not a Destination

In the rapidly evolving landscape of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB), there is a growing recognition that these efforts should not be viewed as a one-time achievement or a box to check. Instead, DEIB should be understood as an ongoing journey—one that requires continuous effort, reflection, and adaptation. This perspective is crucial for organizations […]

Ensuring Safety and Respect

How to Choose a Harassment Training Provider Selecting a harassment training and development provider is crucial for fostering a safe, respectful, and inclusive workplace. Effective harassment training not only helps in compliance with legal requirements but also cultivates a culture of respect and support among employees. This report outlines the key considerations when selecting a […]

Is DEIB Today All Talk & No Action?

Bridging the Gap Between Rhetoric and Reality Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB) initiatives have gained significant traction in recent years, with companies across various industries increasingly emphasizing their commitment to fostering inclusive workplaces. Yet, the question remains: are these initiatives more about rhetoric than action? This debate has been reinvigorated by the recent “HR.com’s […]

Choose the Right Online Compliance Training

Best-in-Breed vs. Best-in-Class: What’s Right for Your Organization? Before comparing these two types of solutions, let’s define the terms. “Best-in-Breed” refers to online training solutions built to meet specific training needs. Such a solution might offer training on just one or two topics or offer training for one type of employee such as sales. “Best-in-Class” […]

Women in Leadership: Bridging the Gender Gap at the Top

SHIFT HR Compliance Training recently commissioned a research report with HR.com called “HR.com’s Future of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging 2024: Revive the Commitment to DEIB Through Better Strategic Alignment Research Report” (“HR.com Report”). Considering the recent attention in the media and online activity around HR, the workplace, and diversity in general, we want to […]

Bridging Generations: The Power of Reverse Mentorship

In today’s rapidly evolving workforce, diversity extends beyond race, gender, and cultural background to include age. A multigenerational workforce, including Baby Boomers, Generation X, Millennials, and Generation Z, presents a unique opportunity to implement reverse mentorship. Fill out the form below to access our report on this important topic.

Thriving in a Multigenerational Workforce: Resource Toolkit

This in-depth library of curated tools from both SHIFT & industry leaders is designed to support your team with content to keep the learning and conversation alive about building inclusion and upstander culture to create a sense of belonging that values employees for their differences. With the eLearning course serving as the foundation, SHIFT provides […]


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