A positive work environment free from harassment and discrimination is required by law and necessary for the health and continued success of your business.
SHIFT’s Preventing Workplace Harassment and Discrimination course engages employees and supervisors in the development and maintenance of a workplace free from harassment and discrimination.
This interactive training provides learners with opportunities to engage with trending scenarios and real-world workplace issues and provides practical strategies for recognizing, preventing, managing and reporting harassment and discrimination when it occurs.
SHIFT understands that having well-informed employees is one step in building harassment and discrimination free workplaces. But, to develop real positive culture change, employees need to be motivated through empathy and awareness.
SHIFT courses simplify complicated training requirements. Our streamlined course design allows learners to take ONE course to meet multiple jurisdictional mandates saving employees and administrators time and expense.
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We collaborate with organizations to foster positive change, boost employee engagement,
and build a lasting legacy of inclusive, compliant, and innovative workplaces.
Real life scenarios and engaging interactions
Engaging activities and integrated game-based elements
Focused on fostering understanding, cultivating empathy, and equipping individuals with actionable strategies to prevent bias and harassment
Committed to empowering clients to achieve their goals through exceptional service and support
Courses are optimized for seamless access across desktops, tablets, and smartphones
Human Resources
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging
Social Psychology